Launch your advocates' dashboards from Klaviyo without using their name and email address

New feature: Launch your advocates' dashboards from Klaviyo using liquid variables

All new advocates in a referral program are assigned a unique hash ID. Gather allows you to launch your advocates' dashboards from a Klaviyo email using liquid variables that pass the hashed ID, rather than a name and email address, through the URL.

This means that you can now send out personalized referral program reminders and enable advocates to launch their personal referral dashboard without having to pass advocates' names or email addresses in a URL.

Here are the benefits of using this new feature:

  • Personalize your referral program reminders: You can now send out personalized emails to advocates in your referral program reminders without having to disclose your advocates' names or email addresses in a link to open their dashboard. Personalised messaging with greater data privacy enables more referrals.

  • Improve your click-through rates: By using a liquid variable to launch your advocates' dashboards, you can improve your click-through rates on your referral program reminders. This is because advocates will be more likely to click on a link that takes them directly to their dashboard, where they can see their progress and make referrals.

  • Boost your referrals: By making it easier for your advocates to engage with your referral program, you can boost your referrals and sales.

We hope you enjoy this new feature! To find out more about how to implement this feature check out the following article in our academy: Launch advocate Dashboard from Klaviyo.