Launch your Gather Referral Sidebar using Rules and Triggers
At Gather we want to give our customers flexibility over when and where referral campaigns are displayed on a website.
With Gather you can;
Embed a ‘floating’ button on a page/s of your choice
Embed your campaign inline on a page
Use pop-ups in addition to your referral campaign.
In this article, just like a pop-up, we show you how, in addition to the above, you can set ‘Rules’ and ‘Triggers’ that will activate your referral campaign sidebar on a page.
To set up sidebar display rules and triggers, head to the Editor section of your referral campaign.
Sidebar Display Rules
Gather allows you to set a single or multiple rules which must be met in order for the sidebar to be displayed. Note if you include more than one rule, each condition must be met in order for the sidebar to be displayed.
You can set up your rule using the dropdown menus and setting your value. The following is an example of rule where the sidebar will be displayed on all pages which include ‘/cart’ in the url.
Remember to click on the Save Changes button to save your rules.
Sidebar Overlay Triggers
Triggers refer to the events that result in the sidebar loading on the page. Gather offers you 3 triggers, you can select one or multiple triggers and set the variables for each from the dropdown menus.
The 3 triggers are:
Exit intent
Time spent on a page
Time spent on the whole website
Please note that Exit intent does not work on mobile devices. If you receive a lot of site traffic via mobile we recommend that you also use either the time spent on the page or whole site in addition to exit intent so that you are reaching all site users.
You can use triggers without any rules in place.
Once a trigger has activated your sidebar, you can choose how soon you want the visitor to be shown the sidebar again from the drop down menu. To prevent overloading your visitors, this can be spread out over a number of hours/days or after the browser has been closed.
Remember to save changes you make.
Adding rules and/or triggers to your campaign offers another layer of contact with potential advocates and customers in a referral campaign.
As always, let us know if you have any questions at