How do I give my customer their coupon code by email, instead of within the pop-up overlay itself?
This could be useful if you want your customer to confirm their email first before receiving a code
To send the customer the discount code by email instead of the popup, simply follow the following steps:
In the Configure section, uncheck the option to Reward customers, as show below:
2. In the Editor, under the Form Confirmation view, change the copy to ask the customer to check their email for their discount code, as shown below:
3. In the Editor, under the Autoresponder, simply add your discount code to the copy, remove the REWARD_CODE merge tags (which are in curly braces), and make the necessary changes to the copy.
That's it. Now when a customer sees the overlay and signs up, they will receive the confirmation screen, which will ask them to check their email for the code. When they check their email, they will receive their code.
Hope that helps.