Edit your Referral Message for use on Social Media

If you have chosen to make referrals using Social Media this articles shows you how to write your own invitation.

In the Preferences section of your campaign you can choose to use Social Media as a mode of referral. If you are using Social media to make referrals you can create your own invitation message. 

In this article you will learn how to create the invitation message that will be used on Social Media using the following steps;

  1. Navigate to the invitation page

  2. Edit the subject of the message

  3. Edit the body of the message

1. Navigate to the Invitation Page

To navigate to the Editor and within the Editor section click on the Social Invitation tab. 

The same message will be used for all Social Media referral channels. 

2. Edit the subject of the message

To edit the invitation title click in the box called 'Social Media Invitation Title'. You can write your own title here. 

3. Edit the body of the message

To edit the body of the invitation click in the box and enter your own personal message. 

Please note that merge tags are not available to use in social media messaging. 

You should now have your own personalised social media invitation. This will be the default message that appears when the advocate opens their social media account.

Got any questions? First head to your Gather account, then click on the Help & Support menu item on the left hand side or check out the help articles here at academy.