Your Campaign Dashboard

Find out how your campaign is performing over time.

Once you campaign is up and running Gather provides you with a Dashboard overview of how your campaign is performing. 

The dashboard lets you examine how, over time, your campaign is working to generate successful referrals. 

The Dashboard also lets you easily see how many reward codes remain in your campaign so you can upload more if required. 

In this article we show you;

  1.  The number of advocates and successful referrals you have received for a certain date range

  2. Campaign metrics

  3. The number of remaining reward codes for your campaign.

To navigate to the dashboard select the campaign from the left hand side and click on Dashboard at the top of the page. 

1. The number of successful referrals you have received for a certain date range

Gather enables you to see, by a specific date range, the number of successful referrals your campaign has generated. This is displayed under 'Campaign Metrics by Date'. 

You can change the date range by clicking on the calendar and selecting the range you want to see then by clicking on the green 'apply' button. 

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2. Referral metrics

As well as being able to see the number of advocates and referrals in a specific date range you can see a number of other useful metrics under the 'Total Campaign Metrics' heading.  Here you will be given the the following information:

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Active advocates are those who have sent a referral to a friend.

Successful referrals are those that have completed a purchase/ signed up as a result of a referral.

By clicking on the VIEW LIST link under the total successful referrals heading you can obtain a list of all advocates and their referees.

3. The number of remaining reward codes for your campaign 

Where you have chosen to reward advocates and/or their friends with rewards codes the dashboard tells you how many remaining reward codes you have left in your campaign. 

If you are running low on codes you can upload more codes in the Rewards tab. 

Got any questions? Check out the help articles here at academy.